
I am Konstantinos Ioannidis, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge. I am part of the Leverhulme International Professorship in Neuroeconomics Lab lead by professor Peter Bossaerts. I am also affiliated with Queens' College Cambridge, the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, and I am the University of Cambridge representative at the UK network of Behavioural and Experimental Economists.

My primary research fields are Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, and Game Theory. Our lab focuses on how computational complexity affects decision making and how markets can help individuals solve complex problems. I also research the dichotomy between honest and dishonest communication, and habit formation. A preview of my research is below. This was my first time ever shooting a video!

I obtained my PhD in Economics at CREED at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof in 2024. I hold three MSc diplomas in Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics.

Feel free to explore the website and get to know more about my publications, my current research, check a more detailed CV, or get to know what I enjoy doing outside of academia. If you're interested in collaborating on research, projects, or other initiatives, don't hesitate to reach out!